Education is Ingrained in Humanity

A horse walks as soon as it is born. A fish can feed itself upon birth. A tree sprouts on its own. However, a human cannot live independently even years after birth. Humans remain dependent for decades and cannot sustain their lives without society. Education is so rooted in us that the slowly growing, educable branch of the human race has survived, and education has become humanity’s “normal.”

We Are What We Are Because We Are Educated

Slaves existed because they were raised as slaves, and nobles existed because they were raised as nobles. People greet each other because they were taught to, not because they discovered greetings on their own. Drawing arrows on white paper, shaping and coding people is crucial. Slaves and nobles did not question their origins because they did not know the origin of their arrows; they merely continued what was already drawn on the arrowheads. However, an arrow can change direction, even reverse, or even move into the third and fourth dimensions—if we do it together, if we become a strong arrow with others, and if we are part of their arrows.

Education is a reflection of being extremely “us.”

Why should we align with them? Even if we change direction, we will still be with them. We are extremely social beings. We yawn when others yawn, we smile involuntarily when they smile. We cry when they cry and feel their pain. We can even mourn for fictional heroes in a fairy tale. Humanity is so “us” that if we do not consider others, we feel we have achieved nothing. If we follow the correct path of this collective arrow but do not bring others along, we will get lost at the edges. We must also bring others to shape a strong arrow. In other words, even if our fine line goes in the right direction, it will eventually disappear. Unfortunately, the game is set up this way for us; it is a social and political game in which we must engage with others.

Similar to Arming, It Is a Political Tool.

Bows and arrows, even archers, exist for war. Even if we use archery for sport, the origins of archery and education are not innocent. Education is politically motivated initiative, backed by power. Politics is normal for humanity, and we do not question it. We are like fish swimming in these waters, not noticing them. In fact, our disregard for being military and political entities has made today’s politics disturbing.

We Are Part of a Political Army.

Our political nature is not new. As previously stated, the politically guided branch of humanity has survived. We are a species prone to being coded, directed, and managed as part of this branch. While this situation may lead to a loss of freedom, we do not question it because it has its benefits. We are so open to being coded and creating our own narratives that we can sacrifice our lives for ideals we have never seen or even known existed. Lives sacrificed for religions, ideologies, and loves cannot be contained in epics, novels, or films. We spend most of our time on the plots of our plots…

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